Installation and Setup

Step1: create project

create-react-app <your project name>

if you don't have create-react-app installed, use the following script

npm install -g create-react-app

Step2: install dongbao

npm install --save dongbao
# or if you are a yarn user
yarn add dongbao

Step3: steup environment

currently, we don't have a cli tool for dongbao (but will do in the future), so we need to eject the react build script and modify some configuration. Don't worry, we only modify a liitle

first run the following scripts in your shell

npm run eject

a prompt appear like the following screenshot:

eject confirm

type 'y' and hit enter, this will takes sometime to eject the build script into your current project.

after the eject finished, open the following two files: modify config

scroll down to the bottom and add the __dirname:true at the following position add dirname

now you finished all the configuration.

tips: we config __dirname here because we need it to enable auto-bootstrap state and reducers

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